Tips & Tricks

How can one quickly clean powder puff?

How to quickly clean a powder puff is undoubtedly the most concerning issue for makeup enthusiasts. It requires both thorough cleaning and protection of the puff's material. During the cleaning process, it's essential to know the material of the puff in hand, such as pure cotton, fluff, flock, non-latex, [...]


Management System Audit Certification by INTERTEK

What is ISO 9001:2015 – Management systems? ISO 9001 is defined as the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. It is the most [...]


Main material of Makeup Brush – Hair & Bristles

Composition of Makeup brush hair and bristle There are two choices when it comes to what a Makeup Brush head is made from. The choice is Synthetic Hair or Natural Hair. The requirements for the brush and its purpose, as well as personal preference, will influence what is [...]


Main material of Makeup Brush – Handle

Choose a suitable makeup brush handle Let’s come to grips with this together, so we can get a handle on that situation. But enough of the puns already! Brush handles usually come in 3 material types – wood, plastic and metal. The choice of handle comes down to a mixture [...]


Main material of Makeup Brush – Metal Ferrule

What is a Brush Ferrule? The metal part of a makeup brush that sits between the brush hair and the handle. It’s an important part of the brush and play import roles in makeup brushes. The ferrule is what connects the handle to the brush head. Typically, a handle [...]


What is research and development we understand?

Why we need marketing research and development for makeup tools?Research and development are active in generating new knowledge which make us creative and innovative. R&D in products or marketing is essential to makeup our business grow and expand if we launch new item or improve existing production crafts. We can [...]



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